Artifol Devices is in Business to Buy and Sell High Quality Used CNC Machines including CNC Swiss Lathes, CNC Turning Centers, CNC Machining Centers &CNC Robodrill’s. Along this we also deal in CNC Machine Tools, Parts and Collets. Mostly we import machines from USA, UK, Japan, Germany, and Italy. Our machine range is almost from well-known international brands like: STAR, CITIZEN, TSUGAMI, MIYANO, GILDEMEISTER, NAKAMURA TOME, HARDINGE, EUROTECH etc. We always prefer machines having latest FANUC Controls.
Artifol Devices works with businesses like yours in diverse market sectors to help them achieve their goals. With access to CNC machines that offer the latest technologies and features, we can help you reach and stay on the leading edge of your industry.In case of any troubles using CNC Machines, we also offer you after sale service.
A Little Bit About CNC Machining
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) refers to the use of computers and unique software to control machine tools. Numerical control allows the user to program the machine to control features such as speed, feed rates, positioning and more. Advantages to CNC machining include:
• Precision
CNC equipment is capable of accurately producing even the most complex 3-D shapes — including many that cannot be achieved via manually operated machining.
• Repeatability
CNC machines generate the same exact parts over and over again, without variation, for consistent, high-quality components.
• Extended Use
CNC machines are ideal for high-production runs — they can run virtually nonstop for extended periods of time, requiring shutdown only for maintenance.